All 2275 documents
- Human rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe. Summary
Author/publisher: Council of Europe - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the protection and promotion of the rights of children working and/or living on the street
Author/publisher: General Assembly, United Nations - Life as an Undocumented Immigrant. How Restrictive Local Immigration Policies Affect Daily Life
Author/publisher: Centre for American Progress - Protecting Victims of Domestic Vilolence: A New Immigration Policy
Author/publisher: Home Office, United Kingdom Border Agency - Women's Nightmare
Author/publisher: The SAMU Social - Joint statement on the EU Proposal for a Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime: Equal access to justice and protection for all victims of crime, regardless of status
Author/publisher: PICUM, La Strada International - Migration Profiles: Making the Most of the Process
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Database on Migration
Author/publisher: Migration Policy Institute - Report on the Symposium: Joint Reflections on Migration and Development Graduate Institute – Geneva, August 2324
Author/publisher: Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) - Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung und Reduzierung irregulärer Migration Studie der deutschen nationalen Kontaktstelle für das Europäische Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN)
Author/publisher: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) - Captured Childhood. Introducing a new model to ensure the rights and liberty of refugee, asylum seeker and irregular migrant children affected by immigration detention
Author/publisher: The International Detention Coalition (IDC) - Forced labour in Europe
Author/publisher: Accem, Churches´ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) and partners - Undocumented Migrants Make a Human Shamrock
Author/publisher: Migrants Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI) - EU Single Permit Directive: a small step forward in EU migration policy
Author/publisher: The European Policy Centre - Recommendation on mobility, migration and access to healthcare
Author/publisher: Council of Europe - Realization of the right for compensation among human trafficking victims in Ukraine (Summary)
Author/publisher: La Strada Ukraine - Opportunities and Obstacles. Ensuring Access to Compensation for Trafficked Persons in the UK
Author/publisher: Anti-Slavery International - Access to Redress Mechanisms in Spain
Author/publisher: Women's Link Worldwide - Options and limits of compensation for trafficked persons in the Czech Republic (summary)
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - The right to compensation for victims of human trafficking in Bulgaria
Author/publisher: Animus Association Foundation/La Strada Bulgaria - Possibilities to claim compensation for trafficked persons in Austria
Author/publisher: LEFOE - Joint Statement on victims package
Author/publisher: La Strada International and PICUM - IOM’s International Dialogue on Migration
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - UnaccompaniedChildren on the Move
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - I don't feel human Experiences of destitution among young refugees and migrants
Author/publisher: The Children Society - Human Rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe
Author/publisher: Council of Europe - An ethical framework for crossboarder labor recruitment: An Industry/Stakeholder Collaboration to Reduce the Risks of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
Author/publisher: ManpowerGroup, Verité - Frozen in time: Gender pay gap unchanged for 10 years
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Guidelines for Assisting Victims of Human Trafficking in the East Africa Region
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - A Comprehensive Strategy to Combat Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants.
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). - A Tangled Web: Human Trafficking, Child Protection and the Media
Author/publisher: Media Monitoring Africa - Report Concerning the Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by the Republic of Moldova
Author/publisher: GRETA (Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings). - More ‘Trafficking’, Less ‘Trafficking’: Trafficking for Exploitation Outside the Sex Sector in Europe
Author/publisher: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW). - A Toolkit for Reporting to CEDAW On Trafficking in Women and Exploitation of Migrant Women Workers
Author/publisher: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) - COMPENSATION FOR TRAFFICKED PERSONS FROM STATE FUNDS
Author/publisher: E.A.M. de Weerd - La Strada International Statement on the Directive on rights of victims
Author/publisher: La Strada International - IOM Data Protection Manual
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Landing in Dover. The immigration process undergone by unaccompanied children arriving in Kent
Author/publisher: Office of the Children's Commissioner, United Kingdom - Comparative Study on Practices in the Field of Return of Minors
Author/publisher: Save The Children, European Council On Refugees And Exiles - Cutting them free. How is the UK progressing in protecting its children from sexual exploitation?
Author/publisher: Bernardo - Human Rights Watch. World Report 2012
Author/publisher: Human Rights Watch - Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA
Author/publisher: European Parliament, European Union - Indicators of Corruption: Further Explorations of the Link between Corruption and Implementation Failure in Anti-trafficking Policies
Author/publisher: Jan Van Dijk, Fanny Klerx-Van Mierlo - Modern Day Slavery: What Drives Human Trafficking in Europe? Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing and Transition Countries: Statistical Methods and Empirical Analysis
Author/publisher: Diego Hernandez, Alexandra Rudolph, Courant Research Centre - In-depth training manual on investigating and prosecuting the smuggling of migrants. Overview of modules Introduction
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Migration in Italy. Current situation and perspectives.
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM), Idos Study and Research Centre - Comparative Study on Best Practices to Interlink Pre-Departure Reintegration Measures Carried out in Member States with Short- and Long-Term Reintegration Measures in the Countries of Return
Author/publisher: Directorate-General Home Affairs, European Commission, European Union (EU), Matrix Insight Ltd, ICMPD, ECRE - Child Trafficking Response Programme in South East Europe Phase III (2009-2011)
Author/publisher: Save The Children In Albania - Migration Policy Practice, Vol I, Number 1, October–November 2011
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Watch over me. A system of guardianship for child victims of trafficking
Author/publisher: Kaur Kalvir, ECPAT UK - On the Safe Side. Principles for the safe accommodation of child victims of trafficking
Author/publisher: ECPAT UK - Guide to Enhancing Migration Data in West and Central Africa
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Gallup World Poll: The Many Faces of Global Migration
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Cyber-Bullying and online Grooming: helping to protect against the risks A scenario on data mining / profiling of data available on the Internet
Author/publisher: European Network and Information Security Agency - The Legal Status of Unaccompanied Children within International, European and National Frameworks Protective standards vs. restrictive implementation
Author/publisher: PUCAFREU project - Age at Migration and Future Risk of Psychotic Disorders Among Immigrants in the Netherlands: A 7-Year Incidence Study
Author/publisher: American Journal of Psychiatry Online, Veling Wim, W. Hoek Hans, Selten Jean-Paul, Susser Ezra - Changing integration policy towards third-country nationals in the European Union: Language and knowledge of society tests in the Member States
Author/publisher: Daniel Bagameri, Migration Studies Unit, London School of Economics and Political Science - How effective are migration and non-migration policies that affect forced migration?
Author/publisher: Eiko Thielemann, Migration Studies Unit, London School of Economics and Political Science - Responding to Migration from Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Lessons learned from Libya
Author/publisher: Khalid Koser - Cross-border Trafficking In Human Beings: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Reducing Sexual Exploitation
Author/publisher: H. van der Laan Peter, Smit Monika, Busschers Inge, Aarten Pauline - Child Safety Online: Global Challanges and Strategies
Author/publisher: United Nation Children's Fund - Mayday! Strengthening responses of assistance and protection to boat people and other migrants arriving in Southern Europe
Author/publisher: International Catholic MIgration Commission (ICMC) - From Deprivation to Liberty: Alternatives to detention in Belgium, Germany and United Kingdom
Author/publisher: Jesuit Refugee Service Europe - Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Action Plan
Author/publisher: UK Department of Education - Fundamental rights of migrants in an irregular situation in the European Union
Author/publisher: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) - The 2012 Games and human trafficking. Identifying possible risks and relevant good practice from other cities
Author/publisher: GLE Consulting - At the borders of Europe: The externalization of Migration Controls
Author/publisher: Migreurop - Position paper on the Right to Access to International Protection
Author/publisher: Red Cross EU Office - “Climate Refugees” Legal and policy responses to environmentally induced migration. Study
Author/publisher: Directorate General for Intenal Policies, European Parliament, European Union - Safe and Secure: How do Refugees Experience Europe's Borders?
Author/publisher: Jesuit Refugee Service-Europe - Transatlantic trends: immigration
Author/publisher: German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Compagnia di San Paolo, and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, with additional support from the Fundación BBVA. - Discourse on prostitution and human trafficking in the context of UEFA EURO 2012
Author/publisher: Martina Schuster, Almut Sülzle, Agnieszka Zimowska - What's the Cost of a Rumour?
Author/publisher: GAATW - Primer 10: On the Road to Busan: What is at stake for gender equality and women’s rights?
Author/publisher: Nerea Craviotto and Anne Schoenstein, AWID - Feminist Perspectives Towards Transforming Economic Power
Author/publisher: Pamela Caro. AWID - Return and Reintegration of Human Trafficking Victims from Australia
Author/publisher: Dr Andreas Schloenhardt, Mark Loong - Monitoring anti-trafficking re/integration programmes. A manual
Author/publisher: Rebecca Surtees, NEXUS Institute, Washington - Empowering Victims of Human Trafficking: the Role of Support, Assistance and Protection Policies.
Author/publisher: HUMSEC Journal, Issue 2, Alline Pedra Jorge-Birol - Social protection floor for a fair and inclusive globalization.
Author/publisher: International Labour Organization (ILO) - If our skirt is torn, do not show anyone else but try to sew it up. Safe Return and Social Inclusion of Victims of Traffic in Human Beings. An Inventory of Neglected Aspects in Ten European and Asian Countries.
Author/publisher: Trijntje Kootstra, Xenia Commandeur - Making every Child matter... everywhere. Child Trafficking Update 2011
Author/publisher: Child Exploitation And Online Protection Centre - Safeguarding children who may have been trafficked -Update 2011 Practice guidance
Author/publisher: Department of Education, United Kingdom - Scandal of trafficked women held in UK
Author/publisher: Tom Harper, London Evening Standard - 15 years La Strada Czech Republic hotline
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Providing medical care for undocumented migrants in Denmark: what are the challenges for health professionals?
Author/publisher: Danish Research Centre for Migration, Queen Mary University of London - Separated children and child trafficking in Northern Ireland
Author/publisher: Barnardo - Legislation, Rights Protection and Assistance Development of inter disciplinary cooperation in Hungary to combat prostitution and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and to Support victims
Author/publisher: MONA - Foundation for the Women of Hungary - What’s going on to Safeguard Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation? How local partnerships respond to child sexual exploitation
Author/publisher: Pearce Jenny J, Arocha Lorena, Jago Sue, Brodie Isabelle, Melrose Margaret, Warrington Camille - Migrants in an irregular situation: access to healthcare in 10 European Union Member States
Author/publisher: The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) - Europe Fighting Irregular Migration – Consequences for West African Mobility
Author/publisher: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) - La Strada International Statement on EU Anti-trafficking Day 2011
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Progress Report on Criminal Justice Responses to Trafficking in Persons in the ASEAN Region
Author/publisher: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - United against trafficking. The Government’s Plan of Action against Human Trafficking (2011–2014)
Author/publisher: Government of Norway - Immigration and the Welfare State in Spain
Author/publisher: Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes, María Bruquetas Callejo - Tackling the Demand that Fosters Human Trafficking. Final Report
Author/publisher: Ruth Rosenberg, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Crossing Arizona
Author/publisher: Matthew and DeVivo - Kingsley's Crossing
Author/publisher: Jobard, O. - Different geographies and experiences of 'assisted' types of migration: a gendered critique on the distinction between trafficking and smuggling
Author/publisher: Liese van Liempt - Reducing the risk, cutting the cost An assessment of the potential savings from Barnardo’s interventions for young people who have been sexually exploited
Author/publisher: Blazey Laura, Bernardo - The EU’s Dirty Hands. Frontex Involvement in Ill-Treatment of Migrant Detainees in Greece
Author/publisher: Human Rights Watch - Cutting Off the Flow: Extraterritorial Controls to Prevent Migration
Author/publisher: The Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute, University of California, Berkeley Law School, Issue Brief July 2011