All 2275 documents
- Needs Assessment Toolkit on the Criminal Justice Response to Human Trafficking
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Smuggling of migrants into, through and from North Africa: A thematic review and annotated bibliography of recent publications
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Inventory of Institutional Capacities and Practices
Author/publisher: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Intra-Regional Labour Mobility in the Arab World
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Wrong kind of victim? One year on: an analysis of UK measures to protect trafficked persons. Full report
Author/publisher: Anti Trafficking Monitoring Group - Legislation and the Situation Concerning Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation in EU Member States
Author/publisher: International Center for Migration Policy Development - Lives on hold. Migrants in Detention - Greece June 2010
Author/publisher: Medecins sans frontieres - Leaving home
Author/publisher: Save The Children, Global Movement For Children - U.S. Department of Labor’s 2008 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Author/publisher: U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) - Understanding and Addressing the Phenomenon of ‘Child Soldiers’: The Gap Between the Global Humanitarian Discourse and the Local Understandings and Experiences of Young People’s Military Recruitment
Author/publisher: Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford - The Cocoa Protocol: Success or Failure?
Author/publisher: International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) - Final Draft Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on Child Friendly Justice
Author/publisher: Council of Europe - Trafficking in Persons to Europe for Sexual Exploitation
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Working Protocol for Child Protection Workers
Author/publisher: United Nation Children's Fund, Terre des hommes, Albanian Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - Ban on the Purchase of Sexual Services - An Evaluation 1999-2008 English Summary
Author/publisher: Ministry of Justice, Sweden - A Study on the Dynamics of the Egyptian Diaspora: Strengthening Development Linkages
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Charter of Rights of Women Seeking Asylum 2 years on: impacts and actions
Author/publisher: Asylum Aid - Access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in 11 European countries
Author/publisher: Médecins du Monde, European Observatory on Access to Healthcare - A guide to minorities and political participation in South-East Europe.
Author/publisher: King Baudouin Foundation - Women and peace and security. Report of the Secretary-General
Author/publisher: Security Council, United Nations (UN) - Hidden Children - separated children at risk
Author/publisher: The Children Society - Human Development Report 2009 Overcoming barriers: Human mobility and development
Author/publisher: United Nations Development Program - Working to Prevent and Address Violence Against Women Migrant Workers
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Getting the Support They Need Findings of a survey of foster carers in the UK
Author/publisher: The Fostering Network - Status Report on Implementation of the State Programme on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings for the period until 2010 Results of the 2007-2008 Monitoring
Author/publisher: Ministry of Ukraine on Family, Youth and Sports Affairs International Women's Rights Centre “La Strada-Ukraine” - Minority Rights in Practice in South-East Europe 2004-2008 - Final Review Report Fostering minority participation and integration in the Balkans (2009)
Author/publisher: King Baudouin Foundation, Florian Bieber, University of Kent, Canterbury, Mariana Milosheva-Krushe, consultant - Environmentally Displaced People: Understanding the Linkages Between Environmental Change, Livelihoods and Forced Migration
Author/publisher: Refugees Studies Center - Climate Change and Children: a human security challenge
Author/publisher: United Nations Children’s Fund. (UNICEF) - A Guide for Mothers, Grandmothers, and Others for Helping a Girl Caught in Prostitution or Sex Trafficking
Author/publisher: Women's Justice Center - Lost in Transit. Insufficient Protection for Unaccompanied Migrant Children at Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport
Author/publisher: Human Rights Watch (HRW) - Trafficking in organs, tissues and cells and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal of organs
Author/publisher: United Nations, Council of Europe - Collaboration between countries of destination and origin In contribution to the EU Ministerial Conference 19-20 October 2009, Brussels
Author/publisher: Terre Des Hommes International Federation - Out the Back Door The Dublin II Regulation and Illegal Deportations from Greece
Author/publisher: Norwegian Hesinki Committee, Norwegian Organisation For Asylum Seekers, Aitima - Migration - Autumn 2009
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - ICMPD Newsletter 3rd edition 2009
Author/publisher: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) - Undocumented Immigrants and Rights in the EU. Addressing the Gap between Social Science Research and Policy-making in the Stockholm Programme?
Author/publisher: Sergio Carrera & Massimo Merlino - Fast-Tracked Unfairness. Detention and Denial of Women Asylum Seekers in the UK
Author/publisher: Human Rights Watch (HRW) - The Exploitation of Undocumented Migrant Women in the Workplace
Author/publisher: Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), United Methodist Women Immigrant/Civil Rights Initiative - An agenda for change: Implementing the platform for action against human trafficking
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) - ITUC annual survey of violations of trade union rights 2009
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - World Refugee Survey 2009
Author/publisher: US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) - Migration Initiatives Appeal 2010
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - FRA Annual Report 2010
Author/publisher: Fundamental Rights Agency, The European Union - Trafficking in Persons Report 10th Edition
Author/publisher: U.S. Department of State - How to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking. Best practices manual for trade unions
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Compendium on Best Practices On Anti Human Trafficking by Law Enforcement Agencies
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Regional Office for South Asia - Prevention of Trafficking and Protection of Victims of Violence - A Guide to Replicable Approaches
Author/publisher: Academy for Educational Development - Re/integration of trafficked persons: how can our work be more effective? Issue Paper 3
Author/publisher: Rebecca Surtees, Nexus Institute to Combat Human Trafficking - Decisions for Work: An examination of the factors influencing women’s decisions for work
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Stop labour exploitation - a closer look. Analysis of the agency employment of the Vietnamese in the Czech Republic
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Statement of Good Practice
Author/publisher: United Nation Children's Fund, Save The Children, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Safe at Last? Children on the front line of UK Border Control
Author/publisher: Refugee And Migrant Justice - Street Children Stories Nobody's Children are everyone's children. Voices from the street and for the street
Author/publisher: European Federation for Street Children - Missed the Goal for Workers: The Reality of Soccer Ball Stitchers in Pakistan, India, China and Thailand
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Council conclusions on unaccompanied minors 3018th Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting
Author/publisher: Council of the European Union, The European Union (EU) - Child poverty in Kosovo
Author/publisher: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) - Ending domestic violence in Albania. The next steps
Author/publisher: Amnesty International (AI) - Internationally recognised core labour standards in Malawi
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - 2010 survey of trade union rights violations around the world
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Migrant Resource Centres: An Initial Assessment
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Study on Post-Trafficking Experiences in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Portugal
Author/publisher: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Department for Equal Opportunities – Presidency of the Council of Ministers Italy - Guidelines for the Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Trafficked Persons in Europe: TRM-EU
Author/publisher: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Department for Equal Opportunities – Presidency of the Council of Ministers Italy - Internationally recognised core labour standards in Albania
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Internationally recognised core labour standards in Armenia.
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Roma in Europe: The Implementation of European Union Instruments and Policies for Roma Inclusion
Author/publisher: European Commission, European Union - Situational Anlaysis of the Action Against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Bulgaria Summary
Author/publisher: ECPAT End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes - DIRECTIVE 2004/81 VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING SYNTHESIS REPORT Study on the “Conformity Checking of the Transportation by Member States of 10 EC Directives in the Sector of Asylum and Immigration”
Author/publisher: Noll Gregor, Gunneflo Markus, Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe - The social and economic integration of the Roma in Europe Communication from the Commission to the Council, The EP, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
Author/publisher: European Commission, European Union - Eurochild’s proposals for the development of the EU’s strategy on the rights of the child. Policy position
Author/publisher: Eurochild - Internal Displacement. Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2009
Author/publisher: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Norwegian Refugee Council - Police and Roma and Sinti: Good Practices in Building Trust and Understanding
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights - Pathways to Progress? The European Union and Roma Inclusion in the Western Balkans
Author/publisher: Müller Stephan, Jovanovics Zeljko, Open Society Institute - Levelling the playing field A UNICEF UK report into provision of services to unaccompanied or separated migrant children in three local authority areas in England
Author/publisher: United Nations Children Fund (Unicef) UK - Young Care Leavers and Social Inclusion. Guidelines Life After Institutional Care
Author/publisher: Amici dei Bambini - Policies on Reception, Return and Integration arrangements for, and numbers of, Unaccompanied Minors – an EU comparative study
Author/publisher: European Migration Network - Amnesty International Report 2010. In search of the worlds's human rights
Author/publisher: Amnesty International - In Search of Shelter. Leaving Social Care in Albania
Author/publisher: Amnesty International - Memorandum to the Albanian Government: Orphans and other children deprived of parental care
Author/publisher: Amnesty International - Love, Fear and Discipline. Everyday violence toward children in Afghan families
Author/publisher: Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) - Handbook on the Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
Author/publisher: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) - Adolescents’ experiences of sexual abuse Prevalence, abuse characteristics, disclosure, health and ethical aspects.
Author/publisher: Gisela Priebe - Regional Overview on Child Sexual Abuse Images through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine
Author/publisher: ECPAT International - Action Plan Implementing the Stockholm Programme
Author/publisher: European Commission, European Union - Position paper on the return of separated children to reception houses in countries of origin
Author/publisher: Defence for Children-ECPAT the Netherlands, UNICEF-the Netherlands - IOM Gender and Migration Newsletter - April 2010
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - FRONTEX General Report 2009
Author/publisher: FRONTEX, European Union - Action Plan on Unaccompanied Minors (2010 – 2014). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
Author/publisher: European Commission, European Union - Internationally recognized core labour standards in the People's Republic of China
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Roadmap for achieving the elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour by 2016
Author/publisher: International Labour Organisation (ILO) - Child Migrants with and without Parents: Census-Based Estimates of Scale and Characteristics in Argentina, Chile and South Africa
Author/publisher: Yaqub, S., UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre - Migrant workers in the UK sex industry – first findings.
Author/publisher: Institute for the Study of European Transformations (ISET) - Baseline Research on Smuggling of Migrants in, from and through Central Asia
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - The Significance of Referral System as a Response to Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration
Author/publisher: Asian Development Bank (ADB) - The mythology of prostitution: Advocacy Research and public policy
Author/publisher: Ronald Weitzer, Department of sociology, George Washington University/Springer Science + Business media, LLC 2010 - Migration and the Right to Health: A Review of International Law. International Migration Law No. 19.
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - MRS N°38 - An Assessment of Principal Regional Consultative Processes on Migration
Author/publisher: International Organization for MIgration (IOM) - International Dialogue on Migration N°12 - Making Global Labour Mobility A Catalyst for Development
Author/publisher: International Organization for MIgration (IOM) - The protection of the rights and special needs of trafficked children
Author/publisher: D. Ingham et al - Strengthening Laws Addressing Child Sexual Exploitation: A Practical Guide
Author/publisher: ECPAT International - Questions & Answers about the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. 4th Edition
Author/publisher: ECPAT International - Back to square one? Remigration of Bulgarian women after exploitation in the prostitution sector in the Netherlands. Summary
Author/publisher: Loes Kersten