All 2275 documents
- NGOs & Co Theory of Change - Objectives Tree
Author/publisher: La Strada International - NGOs & Co Theory of Change - AIC
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Assessment results: NGO initiatives and practices in engaging the business sector in addressing human trafficking
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Developments in trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation and forced labour
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic and the Institute of International Relations - Domestic Workers Across the World: Global and regional statistics and the extent of legal protection
Author/publisher: ILO - Identification of victims of trafficking in human beings in international protection and forced return procedures
Author/publisher: Ulrike Hoffmann - Opinion of the Expert Group on Reflection Period and Residence Permit for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings
Author/publisher: Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings, European Commission, European Union (EU) - Balkans Declaration on the Suppression of Trafficking and the Exploitation of Human Beings
Author/publisher: Balkans ACT Now - Statement 17 December - International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Violence against Women Migrant Workers - report of the UN Secretary-General
Author/publisher: United Nations - Exploitation And Trafficking Of Women: Critiquing Narratives During The London Olympics
Author/publisher: CAWN - Unaccompanied children lacking protection in Europe
Author/publisher: La Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - Migration and Development Policies and Practices: A mapping study of eleven European countries and the European Commission
Author/publisher: ICMPD - Ethical principles for the re/integration of trafficked persons. Experiences from the Balkans
Author/publisher: King Baudouin Foundation - World Migration Report 2013 - overview
Author/publisher: IOM - Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, July 2013
Author/publisher: United Nations - Human Trafficking and Regulating Prostitution
Author/publisher: Samuel Lee, Petra Persson - Implementing the Roadmap for Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour by 2016
Author/publisher: ILO - Laws and Policies Affecting Sex Work
Author/publisher: Open Society Foundation - Sex Worker Rights: (almost) Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Too Afraid To Ask
Author/publisher: American Jewish World Service - The Disappearing of a Migration Category: Migrants Who Sell Sex
Author/publisher: Dr Laura Agustín - National Report on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for 2012
Author/publisher: Government of the Republic of Moldova - Beyond a Snapshot: Preventing Human Trafficking in the Global Economy
Author/publisher: Janie Chuang - Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures for the integration of trafficked persons
Author/publisher: IOM - Trafficking in Human Beings Amounting to Torture and other Forms of Ill-treatment
Author/publisher: OSCE - Human trafficking: Trauma and psychotherapy. A collection of papers
Author/publisher: ASTRA - Precarious lives: Experiences of forced labour among refugees and asylum seekers in England
Author/publisher: Universities of Leeds and Salford - International Migration, Health and Human Rights
Author/publisher: IOM, WHO and OHCHR - Final report of the International Comparative Study of Prostitution Policy: Austria and The Netherlands
Author/publisher: Platfrom 31 - Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal in the OSCE region: analysis and findings
Author/publisher: OSCE - Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, 2013
Author/publisher: UN Special Rapporteurn on trafficking in persons, especially women and children - Guide on trafficking of women
Author/publisher: Mujer Frontera - The Celebritization of Human Trafficking
Author/publisher: Dina Francesca Haynes - Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration
Author/publisher: European Court of Human Rights and FRA - Trafficking in Women, Forced Labour and Slavery-Like Practices in Marriage, Domestic Labour and Prostitution
Author/publisher: Marjan Wijers, Lin Lap-Chew, Foundation Against Trafficking in Women - Detecting and tackling forced labour in Europe
Author/publisher: Nick Clark - Study on Practices of Integration of Third-Country Nationals at Local and Regional Level in the European Union
Author/publisher: Committee of the Regions - The EU rights of victims of trafficking in human beings
Author/publisher: European Commission - 13th OSCE Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference technical note
Author/publisher: OSCE - 13th OSCE Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference registration form
Author/publisher: OSCE - Trafficked at sea. The exploitation of Ukrainian seafarers and fishers 2012
Author/publisher: IOM - First EU Statistical Data Report
Author/publisher: Eurostat - Policy and legislative recommendations towards the effective implementation of the non-punishment provision with regard to victims of trafficking
Author/publisher: OSCE - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Ukraine
Author/publisher: La Strada Ukraine - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Macedonia
Author/publisher: La Strada Macedonia - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Italy
Author/publisher: On the Road - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in The Czech Republic (Russian)
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in The Czech Republic (Czech)
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in The Czech Republic (English)
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Bulgaria
Author/publisher: La Strada Bulgaria - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Belarus
Author/publisher: La Strada Belarus - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Austria (in Romanian)
Author/publisher: Lefoe - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Austria (in Hungarian)
Author/publisher: Lefoe - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Austria (in German)
Author/publisher: Lefoe - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Austria
Author/publisher: Lefoe - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Austria (in Bulgarian)
Author/publisher: Lefoe - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Austria
Author/publisher: Lefoe - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in Romanian)
Author/publisher: KOK - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in Polish)
Author/publisher: KOK - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in Hungarian)
Author/publisher: KOK - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in German)
Author/publisher: KOK - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in French)
Author/publisher: KOK - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in Bulgarian)
Author/publisher: KOK - Flyer Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany
Author/publisher: KOK - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in Russian)
Author/publisher: KOK, La Strada International - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany (in German)
Author/publisher: KOK, La Strada International - Poster Possibilities for compensation for victims of trafficking in Germany
Author/publisher: KOK, La Strada International - Research template for collecting and analysing data on the access of trafficked persons to compensation
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Guidance on representing trafficked persons in compensation claims
Author/publisher: La Strada International, Anti-Slavery International - Findings and results of the European Action for Compensation for Trafficked Persons
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers Facilitator’s Guide
Author/publisher: IOM - Gender Equality And Decent Work: Selected ILO Conventions And Recommendations That Promote Gender Equality As Of 2012
Author/publisher: ILO - Rights, Residence, Rehabilitation: A Comparative Study Assessing Residence Options for Trafficked Persons
Author/publisher: IOM - Counter trafficking and assistance to vulnerable migrants. Annual report of activities 2011
Author/publisher: IOM - Domestic Workers Across the World: Global and regional statistics and the extent of legal protection
Author/publisher: ILO - International Legal Frameworks concerning Trafficking in Persons
Author/publisher: ICAT - UNODC Global report on trafficking in persons 2012
Author/publisher: UNODC - Opinion of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights on the proposed data protection reform package
Author/publisher: FRA - The Way Forward in Establishing Effective Transnational Referral Mechanisms
Author/publisher: ICMPD - EP Hearing on Justice and access to compensation for trafficked persons
Author/publisher: La Strada International, Anti-Slavery International - Civil society commentary on the EU strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings
Author/publisher: La Strada International, Anti-Slavery International, ECPAT, CCME, Terre des Hommes, KOK, Lefoe - Abuse of a Position of Vulnerability and other "Means" Within the Definition of Trafficking in Persons
Author/publisher: UNODC - Development of Italian legislation on compensation. State of art and strategies
Author/publisher: On the Road - Handbook on Migration Terminology (Russian-English)
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration - Ties that bind: African witchcraft and contemporary slavery
Author/publisher: Elizabeth Willmott Harrop - Regularisations – an instrument to reduce vulnerability, social exclusion and exploitation of migrants in an irregular situation in employment?
Author/publisher: EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) - “Violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families” - report
Author/publisher: PROGRESS Lawyers Network - UKHTC: A baseline assessment on the nature and the scale of human trafficking in 2011
Author/publisher: UKHTC, SOCA - Prostitution-Related Crimes and Child Trafficking in Poland: Report from a Case File Study
Author/publisher: Nobody's children Foundation - Manoeuvring towards Subjectivity: An Anthropological Analysis of Young Victims of Human Trafficking in Italy
Author/publisher: Korsby, Trine Mygind - Children, Adolescents and Human Trafficking: Making sense of a complex problem
Author/publisher: Mike Dottridge, Ann Jordan - Freed but not free
Author/publisher: Rutgers School of Law-Newark Immigrant Rights Clinic - The Anti-Trafficking Review, Issue 1
Author/publisher: Anti-trafficking review - All Change - Preventing Trafficking in the UK - summary report
Author/publisher: The anti-trafficking monitoring group - HRDN response to the adoption of the new EU human rights package
Author/publisher: HRDN - Joint UN Commentary on the EU Directive – A Human Rights-Based Approach
Author/publisher: OHCHR, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODC, UN Women, ILO - La Strada International first reaction to the EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012–2016
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Trafficking in persons for forced labour exploitation in the Republic of Moldova
Author/publisher: La Strada Moldova - AnaAnalysis of the current rights of victims of human trafficking in Ukraine to obtain compensation
Author/publisher: La Strada Ukraine - Domestic Workers in Diplomats' Households Rights Violations and Access to Justice in the Context of Diplomatic Immunity
Author/publisher: Angelika Kartusch - Human rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe. Summary
Author/publisher: Council of Europe