La Strada Documentation Center

Primer 10: On the Road to Busan: What is at stake for gender equality and women’s rights?

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Primer 10: On the Road to Busan: What is at stake for gender equality and women’s rights?
Nerea Craviotto and Anne Schoenstein, AWID
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women' rights, gender equality
This primer is devoted to outlining official and civil society preparations in the lead up to the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) taking place in Busan, South Korea, from November 29 to December 1, 2011. Throughout this document we refer to this process as "On the Road to Busan HLF-4". The information presented here includes plans of the OECD-DAC Working Party on Aid Effectiveness and sub-groups, initial plans of women's rights organizations and networks and the BetterAid platform. The primer also points out what is at stake for gender equality and women's rights at the HLF-4. AWID would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions made by WIDE Network to this Primer.
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