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Transatlantic trends: immigration

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Transatlantic trends: immigration
German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Compagnia di San Paolo, and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, with additional support from the Fundación BBVA.
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Migrant rights; Migration management; Comprehensive approach to migration; Migration policy; Restrictive migration measures, Irregular Migration, Feminization of migration, Economic migration, Labour migration, Free movement, Undocumented migrants; Undocumented labour;
This year's survey covers a wide range of topics, including the public perception of the importance of immigration in current public affairs, views on regular and irregular immigrants, perception of immigrant integration and approval ratings of government immigrant management. The survey also includes new questions on preferred policy tools to deal with the migration consequences of the Arab Spring in North Africa and the Middle East, focussing on the question of sharing responsibility within the European Union and views on forced migration. The countries surveyed in 2011 were the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.
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