All 2275 documents
- The Nature and Extent of Trafficking of Women into Ireland for the Purposes of Sexual Exploitation. 2000 - 2006: a report from findings
Author/publisher: Eilís Ward, Gillian Wylie, Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin - Regional Victim/Witness Protection Protocol to Combat Trafficking, Commercial Exploitation and Sexual Abuse of Women and Children in South Asia
Author/publisher: South Asia Regional Initiative/ Equity Support Program (SARI/Equity) - Victims of Trafficking for Forced Prostitution: Protection Mechanisms and the Right to Remain in the Destination Countries
Author/publisher: Olivera Simic, Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) - Children Speak Out : Trafficking Risk and Resilience in Southeast Europe: Montenegro report
Author/publisher: Itana Kovačević, Save the Children - Draft Recommendations on Identification and Referral to Services of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings
Author/publisher: European Commission, European Union - Sex at the Margins. Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry
Author/publisher: Laura María Agustín, Zed Books & Palgrave Macmillan - Resolution 1557 (2007) Image of Women in Advertising
Author/publisher: Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe - Headway – Improving Social Intervention Systems for Victims of Trafficking
Author/publisher: Headway – Improving Social Intervention Systems for Victims of Trafficking Project - Mensenhandel: Vijfde Rapportage van de Nationaal Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Bureau Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel, C.E. Dettmeijer-Vermeulen (Nationaal Rapporteur), M. Boot-Matthijssen, Essy van Dijk, Dagmar Koster, Monika Smit, H. de Jonge van Ellemeet - The Story behind the Numbers. Women and Employment in Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Commonwealth of Independent States
Author/publisher: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) - ПРОТИВОДЕЙСТВИЕ ТРЭФФИКУ ДЕТЕЙ В СЕКСУАЛЬНj
Author/publisher: ECPAT, Defence for Children International - Employment and Immigration: the Integration and Professional Development Processes of Workers from Central and Eastern Europe - Results of Research Project on Migrant Workers and Employers in the Trentino Region
Author/publisher: Mirko Freni, Floriana Samuelli, Giovanna Zanolla, Pontest - Trafficking in Persons Report 2007
Author/publisher: U.S. Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) in the Pacific: A Regional Report
Author/publisher: UNICEF, UNESCAP. ECPAT - Migration and Remittances. Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Summary
Author/publisher: Ali Mansoor & Bryce Quillin (eds.), The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank - Monitor over de Positie van Slachtoffers Mensenhandel in Nederland (Monitor on the Position of Victims of Trafficking)
Author/publisher: Adviesbureau Van Montfoort, R.T. van Vianen, A.E. van Burik, L. Janssen, P. van Amersfoort, Verwey-Jonker Instituut, M. Wijers, M. Goderie - Migration and Remittances. Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Author/publisher: Ali Mansoor & Bryce Quillin (eds.), The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank - Mensenrechteneducatie voor Maatschappelijk Kwetsbare Groepen. Een Educatief Pakket met een Empowerment Invalshoek
Author/publisher: Astrid Meganck, Vlaamse Organisatie voor Mensenrechteneducatie - Data and Research on Human Trafficking: A Global Survey
Author/publisher: Frank Laczko & Elzbieta Gozdziak (eds.), International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Haklarimiz – Öğretmenler için Bilgi (Our Rights - Information for Teachers)
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Naša Prava – Informacije za Nastavnike (Our Rights - Information for Teachers)
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - НАШИ ПРАВА - информация по Учителя (Our Rights - Information for Teachers)
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - НАШИТЕ ПРАВА - информация за Учителя (Our Rights - Information for Teachers)
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Naša Prava – Informacije za Učitelje (Our Rights - Information for Teachers)
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Our Rights. Information for Teachers
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - The Health Risks and Consequences of Trafficking in Women and Adolescents. Findings from a European Study
Author/publisher: Cathy Zimmerman, Brad Adams. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - A New Chapter for Human Rights. A Handbook on Issues of Transition from the Commission on Human Rights to the Human Rights Council
Author/publisher: Meghna Abraham, International Service for Human Rights, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Handbook in Human Rights Assessment. State Obligations, Awareness and Empowerment
Author/publisher: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) - Gender Equality, Work and Health : a Review of the Evidence
Author/publisher: Karen Messing, Piroska Östlin, World Health Organization (WHO) - The Migrating Woman's Handbook
Author/publisher: Global Alliance Against Traffick in Women (GAATW) - En Route to Equality - A Gender Review of National MDG Reports
Author/publisher: Bureau of Development Policy, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - The “Swedish Model” - Talk Delivered at Beijing Plus Ten Meetings
Author/publisher: Don Kulick - Kidney on Ice
Author/publisher: Anja Dalhoff - Implementation of the Action Plan on improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area. Status Report 2008
Author/publisher: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - CEDAW Shadow Report - CZECH REPUBLIC 2006
Author/publisher: European Roma Rights Centre, Gender Studies & League of Human Rights - Combating Violence against Women. Stocktaking Study on the Measures and Actions taken in Council of Europe Member States
Author/publisher: Carol Hagemann-White, Council of Europe - Action against Trafficking in Human Beings: Prevention, Protection and Prosecution
Author/publisher: Equality Division, Directorate General of Human Rights, Council of Europe - Child Trafficking in Sierra Leone
Author/publisher: Rebecca Surtees, United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) - Human (Child) Trafficking - A Look through the Internet Window
Author/publisher: ASTRA (Anti-Trafficking Action) - Human Trafficking - Our Response. Manual for Peer Education
Author/publisher: Anti Trafficking Action (ASTRA), Red Cross Serbia - Astra Anti Trafficking Action (Dvogodišnji Izveštaj) Biannual Report 2004-2005
Author/publisher: ASTRA - Trafficking for Forced Labour - UK Country Report
Author/publisher: Klára Skrivánková, Anti-Slavery International - Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, An Exploratory Research in Eight Western European Countries
Author/publisher: Annemieke Wolthuis, Mirjam Blaak (eds.), ECPAT, Europe Law Enforcement Group - Child Labour in Romania. Discussion paper
Author/publisher: IPEC Romania, UNICEF, Government of Romania (Ministry of labour, Social Solidarity and Family) - Rapid Assessment of Trafficking in Children for Labour and Sexual Exploitation in Ukraine
Author/publisher: International Labour Organization (ILO) - Rapid Assessment of Trafficking in Children for Labour and Sexual Exploitation in Moldova
Author/publisher: International Labour Organization (ILO) - Rapid Assessment of Trafficking in Children for Labour and Sexual Exploitation in Albania
Author/publisher: International Labour Organization (ILO) - Joint East West Research on Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes in Europe: The Sending Countries
Author/publisher: Muireann O’Briain, Anke van den Borne, Theo Noten (eds) ECPAT, Europe Law Enforcement Group - Regional Standard for Anti-Trafficking Police Training in SEE
Author/publisher: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) - Land van Belofte. Een Onderzoek naar Slachtoffers van Vrouwenhandel uit Centraal- en Oost-Europa
Author/publisher: Judith Vocks, Jan Nijboer, Vakgroep Strafrecht en Criminologie Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - No Hiding Place: Child Sex Tourism and the Role of Extraterritorial Legislation
Author/publisher: Jeremy Seabrook - Semantics or Substance? Towards a Shared Understanding of Terminology Referring to the Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children
Author/publisher: Subgroup Against the Exploitation of Children, UN NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Czech Republic
Author/publisher: Nicole Boruvka (ed.), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, La Strada - Background Study on Basic Principles for a Code of Conduct within the Member States of the European Union to Prevent and Combat Traffic in Women
Author/publisher: Trijntje Koostra, STV (Dutch Foundation against Trafficking in Women) - Trafficking in Human Beings... Information Material (not only) for Professionals.
Author/publisher: La Strada Ceská Republika - Recommendations to the Government of the Czech Republic on the Issue of Trafficking in Human Beings. Perspective of a Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organization La Strada Czech Republic
Author/publisher: La Strada Ceská Republika - Child Trafficking in South-Eastern Europe: The Development of Good Practices to Protect Albanian Children
Author/publisher: Terre des hommes, Ndihmë Për Fëmijët - An Action-Oriented Guide for Awareness-Raising and Social Assistance
Author/publisher: Christian Action and Networking Against Trafficking in Women - Separated Children and EU Asylum and Immigration Policy
Author/publisher: Sandy Ruxton - Lifting the Ban on Brothels: Prostitution in 2000-2001
Author/publisher: A.L. Daalder, WODC - Nationaal Actieplan Mensenhandel; Aanvullende Maatregelen van het Kabinet in het Kader van de Aanpak van Mensenhandel in Nederland [Dutch National Action Plan]
Author/publisher: Ministry of Justice, The Netherlands - First Annual Report on Victims of Trafficking in South Eastern Europe
Author/publisher: Counter-trafficking Regional Clearing Point, International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Made by Women: Gender, the Global Garment Industry and the Movement for Women Workers' Rights
Author/publisher: Clean Clothes Campaign International Secretariat - Commerciële Seksuele Uitbuiting van Kinderen: Een Wereldwijd Probleem [Commercial sexual exploitation of children. A world-wide problem]
Author/publisher: ECPAT Netherlands - OSCE Human Dimension Commitments. A Reference Guide
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Reference Guide for Anti-Trafficking Legislative Review. With Particular Emphasis on South Eastern Europe
Author/publisher: Angelika Kartusch. Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) - Asylum Procedure versus Human Rights: Obstacles to Later Statements or Evidence in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights
Author/publisher: Joukje van Rooij, UvA - Lost Kids, Lost Futures. The European Union's Response to Child Trafficking
Author/publisher: Mirjam van Reisen, Ana Stefanovic, Terre des Hommes - Rapport Mensenhandel. Analyse Vanuit het Slachtofferperspectief
Author/publisher: Centrum voor gelijkheid van kansen en voor racismebestrijding (Belgie) - ПРОТИВОДЕЙСТВИЕ ТРЭФФИКУ ДЕТЕЙ. В СЕКСУАЛЬН
Author/publisher: Muireann O Briain (ed.), ECPAT, Defence for Children International - Combating the Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes. Questions and Answers
Author/publisher: Muireann O Briain (ed.), ECPAT, Defence for Children International - Combating the Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes. A Training Guide. For the Training of Multi-Stakeholder Groups Consisting of Law Enforcement Personnel, Social Workers and Caregivers
Author/publisher: ECPAT, Defence for Children International - International Action against Child Labour: Guide to Monitoring and Complaints Procedures
Author/publisher: Anti Slavery International - Action to Prevent Child Trafficking in South Eastern Europe – a Preliminary Assessment
Author/publisher: United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Terre des Hommes - The End of Child Labour within Reach
Author/publisher: International Labour Organization (ILO) - Sociologie de l'Histoire. Traite et Prostitution en Debat (Bxls 1880-2003). Materiaux pour une Comedie Sociologique.
Author/publisher: Jean-Michel Chaumont, Universite Catholique de Louvain. - National Plan of Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Finland
Author/publisher: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland - Human Trafficking and Forced Labour Exploitation. Guidance for Legislation and Law Enforcement
Author/publisher: International Labour Office (ILO) - Health, Migration, Sex Work. The Experience of TAMPEP.
Author/publisher: Licia Brussa (ed), Tampep International Foundation - Freedom from Violence. Women's Strategies from Around the World
Author/publisher: Margaret Schuler (ed.) - Valse Belofte - Een Persoonlijk Verhaal over Vrouwenhandel
Author/publisher: Anna Ziverte - The Prostitution Prism
Author/publisher: Gail Pheterson - Challenging Trafficking in Persons; Theoretical Debate & Practical Approaches
Author/publisher: Sector Project against Trafficking in Women (Eds.) - The Future of Women's Rights. Global Visions and Strategies
Author/publisher: Joanna Kerr, Ellen Sprenger, Alison Symington (eds.) - Human Rights and Terrorism
Author/publisher: Netherlands Helsinki Committee - It's in Our Hands: Stop Violence Against Women
Author/publisher: Amnesty International - Bending the Bow: Targeting Women's Human Rights and Opportunities
Author/publisher: Open Society Institute - Joint Report on Social Inclusion
Author/publisher: Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission, European Union - Final Report: Comprehensive Training Seminar for Law Enforcement Authorities on Good Practices in Combating Child Trafficking
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Mensenhandel. Aanvullende kwantitatieve gegevens. Vierde rapportage van de Nationaal Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus (Nationaal Rapporteur), Essy van Dijk, Heleen de Jonge van Ellemeet, Dagmar Koster, Monika Smit, Bureau Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel - Trafficking in Human Beings. Supplementary figures. Fourth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus (National Rapporteur), Essy van Dijk, Heleen de Jonge van Ellemeet, Dagmar Koster, Monika Smit, Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings - Mensenhandel: derde rapportage van de Nationaal Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus (Nationaal Rapporteur), Essy van Dijk, Dagmar Koster, Monika Smit, Bureau Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel - Trafficking in Human Beings. Third report of the Dutch National Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus (National Rapporteur), Essy van Dijk, Dagmar Koster, Monika Smit, Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings - Mensenhandel. Aanvullende kwantitatieve gegevens. Tweede rapportage van de Nationaal Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus (Nationaal Rapporteur), Essy van Dijk, Dagmar Koster, Monika Smit (Bureau Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel) - Trafficking in human beings. Supplementary figures. Second report of the Dutch National Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus (National Rapporteur), Essy van Dijk, Dagmar Koster, Monika Smit (Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings) - Mensenhandel. Eerste Rapportage van de Nationaal Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus, Nationaal Rapporteur, Bureau Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel - Vrouwenhandel : Beleid in Beeld : Eindrapport 'Evaluatie van de PG-Richtlijnen voor de Opsporing en Vervolging van Vrouwenhandel'
Author/publisher: Marga De Boer, Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen - The Long Road Home: Analysis of Regional and National Processes for the Return and Reintegration of Victims of Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Returns and Separated Children
Author/publisher: Save the Children, The Separated Children in Europe - Good Practices for the Protection of Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings Involving Organized Crime
Author/publisher: UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations - Child Trafficking in Europe: A Broad Vision to Put Children First
Author/publisher: United Nations Children’s Fund Innocenti Research Centre (UNICEF IRC)