All 2275 documents
- Regional Sex Trafficking in the Balkans. Transnational Networks in an Enlarged Europe
Author/publisher: Nicole Lindstrom - Trafficking and Labour Exploitation. Daphne Booklets: Issues and Experiences in Combating Violence against Children, Young People and Women. UNPUBLISHED
Author/publisher: Dr June Kane, European Commission, European Union (EU) - Annual Report 2007
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Proiectului AGIS " Traficul de Persoane: Apararea Drepturilor Victimelor in Procesul Penal si Ulterior Acestuia
Author/publisher: Marjan Wijers, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights - Trafficking in Human Beings. First report of the Dutch National Rapporteur
Author/publisher: Anna Korvinus, National Rapporteur, Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings - Handbook. Trafficking in Human Beings for Police, Prosecutors and Judges. Protection of Victims’ Rights in Criminal Proceedings and Beyond
Author/publisher: Marjan Wijers, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights - Empowering and Healing Battered Women. Module 3
Author/publisher: Admira - An Assessment of Referral Practices to Assist and Protect the Rights of Trafficked Persons in Moldova
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations (UN) - Intercultural Dialogue on Violence against Women. Final Results of a Euro-Mediterranean Project
Author/publisher: Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies - Target Group: Clients. Possibilities of Addressing Clients of Prostitutes
Author/publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) - National Strategy against Trafficking in Persons 2006-2010
Author/publisher: Government of Romania - 2006-2007 National Action Plan for Implementing the National Strategy against Trafficking in Persons 2006-2010
Author/publisher: Government of Romania - Cabinet of Ministers Decree on Enactment of the Complex Program on Anti-Trafficking in Human Beings 2002-2005
Author/publisher: Government of Ukraine - 2007 – 2008 National Programme for Combating and Preventing Trafficking In Human Beings. Poland
Author/publisher: Committee for Combating and Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings, Poland - High Commissioner’s Strategic Management Plan 2008-2009
Author/publisher: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), United Nations (UN) - Rebuilding Lives. An Introduction to Promising Practices in the Rehabilitation of Freed Slaves
Author/publisher: Helen Armstrong, Free the Slaves - Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human beings 2007–2010. Denmark
Author/publisher: Department of Gender Equality, The Danish Government - National Strategy of the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings (for the period of 2005 - 2007). Czech Republic
Author/publisher: Security Policy Department, Ministry of the Interior, Czech Republc - National Program for Suppression of Trafficking in Persons 2005 - 2008. Croatia
Author/publisher: Office for Human Rights. National Committee for the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons, Croatia - Nationaler Aktionsplan gegen den Menschenhandel 2007 - 2008. Austria
Author/publisher: Bundesministerium für Inneres, Austria - National Action Plan 2005 - 2007. Albania
Author/publisher: Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Albania - The Way Forward? Recommendations to Prevent Human Trafficking and Exploitation to Protect and Improve the Status of Trafficked and Exploited Persons and Persons at Risk of Trafficking and Exploitation
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Manual on Social Inclusion of Trafficked and Exploited Persons
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - It is Cool to Know More. Institutional Care and the Risks of Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Report on the Human Rights Situation in Albania
Author/publisher: Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe - Baseline Study of FACT Project on the Situation of Families, Cases and Risk Factors for Migration and Child Trafficking
Author/publisher: Terre des hommes - Trafficking in Human Beings in South Eastern Europe II. 2004 - Focus on Prevention in: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, The UN Administered Province of Kosovo
Author/publisher: Barbara Limanowska, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR), OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) - Prevention and Fight against Trafficking: Institutional Developments in Europe. Belgium Report
Author/publisher: Nathalie Schlenzka, Berliner Institut für Vergleichende Sozialforschung (BIVS) - EU Annual Report on Human Rights
Author/publisher: Council of Ministers, European Commission, European Union (EU) - The Guidelines for Prosecutors
Author/publisher: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Ireland - Training Manual for Prosecutors on Confronting Human Trafficking
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Apne Aap Women Worldwide - Investigating Exploitation: Research into Trafficking in Children in the Netherlands
Author/publisher: ECPAT Netherlands - Migrants in the Mistress's House: Other Voices in the "Trafficking" Debate
Author/publisher: Laura María Agustín, Social Politics, 12, 1, 96-117 - Trafficking for Prostitution in Italy. Possible Effects of Government Proposals for Legalization of Brothels
Author/publisher: Esohe Aghatise, Associazione IROKO Onlus - Training the Trainer. A Guide to Training Trainers - specifically in Relation to Trafficking in Children and the Sexual Exploitation of Children
Author/publisher: ECPAT International, ECPAT Europe Law Enforcement Group - Protecting Women against Violence. Analytical Study on the Effective Implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 on the Protection of Women against Violence in Council of Europe member States
Author/publisher: Prof. Dr. Carol Hagemann-White, Sabine Bohn, Gender Equality and Anti-Trafficking Division, Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs, Council of Europe - Human Trafficking Resource Package. Stop Abuse. Report Abuse. Keep out Off-Limits Locations
Author/publisher: Department of Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations - Legislation on Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Immigrant Smuggling
Author/publisher: Europol - Preliminary Global Assessment of Shelters Serving Victims of Human Trafficking
Author/publisher: International Organization for Adolescents (IOFA) - TAMPEP Position Paper on Migration and Sex Work. Rethinking the Paradigm of MIgration and Prostitution
Author/publisher: Transnational AIDS/STD prevention among Migrant Prostitutes in Europe Project (TAMPEP) - The Sex Exploiter
Author/publisher: Julia O’Connell Davidson, University of Nottingham - International Migration, Border Controls and Human Rights: Assessing the Relevance of a Right to Mobility
Author/publisher: Antoine Pécoud, Paul de Guchteneire, Journal of Borderlands Studies Volume 21, No. 1 - The Migrant Workers Convention in Europe. Obstacles to the Ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
Author/publisher: Euan MacDonald, Ryszard Cholewinski, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation - Child Migration and the Construction of Vulnerability
Author/publisher: Julia O’Connell Davidson and Caitlin Farrow, Save the Children Sweden - Strangers in Foreign Lands. Diversity, Vulnerability and the Rights of Migrants
Author/publisher: Fernand de Varennes, United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) - Maria Full of Grace
Author/publisher: Joshua Marston - Freedom and Beyond
Author/publisher: Peggy Callahan, Free the Slaves - Silent Revolution
Author/publisher: Peggy Callahan, Free the Slaves - Selling of Innocents
Author/publisher: Ruchira Gupta - What is Human Trafficking?
Author/publisher: Florida Freedom Partnership - Transnational Indicators to Measure Violence Against Women and Assess State Responses
Author/publisher: Prof Liz Kelly, London Metropolitan University - The Health Burden of Trafficking in Persons
Author/publisher: Derek Ellermann, Polaris Project - The Role of International Law in Countering Human Trafficking
Author/publisher: Janie A. Chuang - Human Trafficking. Emerging Issues
Author/publisher: Bangladesh Counter Trafficking Thematic Group - Meeting the Challenges of Migration. Progress since the ICPD
Author/publisher: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - Legacy of Disasters. The Impact of Climate Change on Children
Author/publisher: Save the Children UK - Migration and Climate Change
Author/publisher: Oli Brown, International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Challenging Men's Demand for Prostitution in Scotland. A Research Report Based on Interviews with 110 Men Who Bought Women in Prostitution
Author/publisher: Jan Macleod, Melissa Farley, Lynn Anderson, Jacqueline Golding. Published by Women’s Support Project - Fields of Mudan
Author/publisher: Steven Chang - Trafficked
Author/publisher: Luigi Acquisto - Modern Heroes, Modern Slaves
Author/publisher: Marie Boti, Productions Multi-Monde, National Womens Studies - Tackling Human Trafficking: Policy and Best Practice in Europe
Author/publisher: Home Office, United Kingdom - Special Characteristics of Children that are Sexually Abused
Author/publisher: Anonymous - Visible Evidence – Forgotten Children. The Need for a Child Protection and Children’s Rights Focus in Identifying Children who have been Sexually Abused for the Production of Child Abuse Images
Author/publisher: Save the Children Europe Group - Pimps Up, Ho's Down
Author/publisher: Brent Owens - Ezra
Author/publisher: Newton Aduaka - The Jammed
Author/publisher: Dee McLachlan - The Price of Sugar
Author/publisher: Bill Haney - Stop the Traffic
Author/publisher: Emily Marlow - Sacrifice
Author/publisher: Ellen Bruno - Trafficking Cinderella
Author/publisher: Mira Niagolova - Promised Land
Author/publisher: Amos Gitai - Trading Women
Author/publisher: By David A. Feingold, narrated by Angelina Jolie - Bought and Sold
Author/publisher: Gillian Caldwell - Lilja 4-ever
Author/publisher: Lukas Moodysson, Lars Jönsson - Boss'n Up
Author/publisher: Dylan C. Brown, founded Snoopadelic Films - Bucharest Express
Author/publisher: Chuck Portz - Sisters and Daughters Betrayed: The Trafficking of Women and Girls and the Fight to End It
Author/publisher: Chela Blitt - Meeting the Needs of Sexually Exploited Young People in London
Author/publisher: Zoe Harper, Sara Scott, Barnardo’s - Prostitutie in Nederland na Opheffing van het Bordeelverbod
Author/publisher: A.L. Daalder, Boom Juridische uitgevers - Prostitution in the Netherlands Since Lifting the General Ban on Brothels
Author/publisher: A.L. Daalder, Boom Juridische uitgevers - Combaterea Traficului De Copii În Scopul Exploatãrii Sexuale | Ghid De Formare A Profesionistilor
Author/publisher: Muireann O Briain, Anke van den Borne, Theo Noten, ECPAT, Defence for Children International - Invisible Children: Rough Cut
Author/publisher: Laren Poole, Jason Russell - Highway to Hell
Author/publisher: Meera Dewan, Niraja Rao, Southview Productions - Girls from Chaka Street
Author/publisher: Antra Cilinska, Emily Marlow & Jenny Richards, Television Trust for the Environment - Girl Trafficking
Author/publisher: Manushi for Sustainable Development - Four Years in Hell
Author/publisher: Frode Hoje Pedersen - Dying to Leave
Author/publisher: Chris Hilton, Aaron Wolf - Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids
Author/publisher: Zana Briski, Ross Kauffman - Black Gold
Author/publisher: Marc Francis, Nick Francis - American Pimp
Author/publisher: Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes - Anonymously Yours
Author/publisher: Gayle Ferraro - Svetlana's Journey
Author/publisher: Michael Cory Davis - Holly
Author/publisher: Guy Moshe - Woman See Lot of Things
Author/publisher: Meira Asher - China Blue
Author/publisher: Micha X. Peled - Snakeheads
Author/publisher: Jon Alpert - When the Moon is Dark
Author/publisher: Anja Dalhoff - Et Après
Author/publisher: Mohamed Ismail - Trade
Author/publisher: Marco Kreuzpaintner - Fast Food Nation
Author/publisher: Richard Linklater, BBC Films