All 2275 documents
- Amnesty International Report 2009. The State of the World's Human Rights
Author/publisher: Amnesty International - Developing indicators for the protection, respect and promotion of the rights of the child in the European Union. Summary Report
Author/publisher: European Union Agency For Fundamental Rights - Unaccompanied minors aysulm seekers in Greece
Author/publisher: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Human Trafficking in Scotland 2007/08
Author/publisher: Korin Lebov, Scottish Government Social Research - Forced Child Begging: Tools for an introductory training course on qualitative research methods
Author/publisher: Emily Delap, Anti Slavery International - Forced child begging: A toolkit for researchers
Author/publisher: Emily Delap, Anti Slavery International - Trafficking in Human Beings in Belgium 2007-2008
Author/publisher: Stijn Smet, Human Rights Without Frontiers International (HRWF) - Begging for Change. Research findings and recommendations on forced child begging in Albania/Greece, India and Senegal
Author/publisher: Emily Delap, Anti Slavery International - The Trade in Human Beings: Human Trafficking in the UK. Sixth Report of Session 2008–09. Volume I
Author/publisher: House of Commons, United Kingdom - Irregular migrants: the urgent need for a new approach
Author/publisher: Migration Work - Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking from Nigeria to Europe
Author/publisher: Jørgen Carling, International Organisation for Migration (IOM) - Fra Nigeria til Europa. Innvandring, menneskesmugling og menneskehandel
Author/publisher: Jørgen Carling, Institutt for fredsforskning (PRIO)/International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) - Trafficking in Women from Nigeria to Europe
Author/publisher: Jørgen Carling, Migration Information Source - To Complain or Not to Complain: Still the Question. Consultations with humanitarian aid beneficiaries on their perceptions of efforts to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse
Author/publisher: Kirsti Lattu, Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) - Undocumented and Seriously Ill: Residence Permits for Medical Reasons in Europe
Author/publisher: Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) - Communicating Change: Learning from Women’s Rights Activists’ Campaigns for Legal and Policy Change
Author/publisher: Alexandra Pittman, The Global Strategies for Change Project (GSC) - La Strada European Network against Trafficking in Women: Facts and Practices
Author/publisher: Marian Wijers, La Strada International - Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality
Author/publisher: Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, European Parliament, European Union - Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: Fighting trafficking in human beings - an integrated approach and proposals for an action plan
Author/publisher: Secretary-General of the European Commission, signed by Mr. Jordi Ayet Puigarnau, Director - Conclusions and Recommendations to the 8th meeting of the Ad hoc Committee on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings [CAHTEH] 22 February – 25 February 2005.
Author/publisher: La Strada International, Amnesty International, Anti-Slavery International - Addendum to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Yakin Ertürk: Mission to the Netherlands
Author/publisher: Human Rights Council, General Assembly, United Nations (UN) - ODIHR CPRSI Assessment Trip to Albania on Trafficking in Children from Roma and Egyptian Communities
Author/publisher: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Helpdesk Research Report: Prevalence as an Indicator for Anti-forced labour and Anti-sex Trafficking Projects
Author/publisher: Terence Fitzgerald, Senior Program Specialist, International Justice Mission, Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC) - Migration Gone Wrong. Linkages between Trafficking and HIV
Author/publisher: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Sex Work, HIV/AIDS, and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Author/publisher: The Central And Eastern European Harm Reduction Network - UNAIDS’ Terminology Guidelines
Author/publisher: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) - HIV/AIDS Media Guide. IFJ media guide and research report on the media’s reporting of HIV/AIDS
Author/publisher: International Federation of Journalists - The “ABC approach” to global HIV/Aids: good for women and girls
Author/publisher: Donna M. Hughes - Sex Work and Infection: What’s Law Enforcement Got to Do with it?
Author/publisher: Paul Gertler, Manisha Shah - Strengthening Resistance. Confronting Violence against Women and HIV/AIDS
Author/publisher: Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) - Protecting the Rights and Dignity of the Trafficked Children in Southeast Asia
Author/publisher: Asia Against Child Trafficking (ACT) - Reconciling refugee protection with efforts to combat irregular migration: the case of Turkey and the European Union
Author/publisher: Kemal Kirişci, Global Migration Perspectives, No. 11 - Psychosocial Profile and Perspectives of Foreign Brides
Author/publisher: Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) - Report of the Irish Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. Executive summary
Author/publisher: Commission To Inquire Into Child Abuse, Ireland - Report of PICUM's International Conference on Undocumented Children in Europe. Invisible Victims of Immigration Restrictions
Author/publisher: Platform For International Cooperation On Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) - Migration in Albania. A Country Profile 2008
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Migration in Romania. A Country Profile 2008
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Migration in Ukraine. A Country Profile 2008
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Migration in Bulgaria. A Country Profile 2008
Author/publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Shared empathy, a powerful weapon against child exploitation
Author/publisher: Lorne Walters - Child Trafficking for Sexual Purposes.
Author/publisher: Mike Dottridge, ECPAT International - Child Trafficking and Ireland
Author/publisher: Jyothi Kanics, Studies - Best practices for programming to protect and assist victims of trafficking in Europe and Eurasia. Final Report
Author/publisher: Ruth Rosenberg, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Sri Lanka Research Report. The sexual abuse, commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking of children in Sri Lanka
Author/publisher: Jason Squire and Sarasi Wijeratne, Terre des hommes - Child Begging and what to do about it? Terre des Hommes field experience from SEE
Author/publisher: Terre des Hommes - Commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. The ILO’s response
Author/publisher: International Labour Organization (ILO) - The schooling of Roma children in Belgium. The parents' voice
Author/publisher: King Baudouin Foundation - Child Pornography and Sexual Exploitation of Children Online
Author/publisher: Dr. Ethel Quayle, Lars Loof, Tink Palmer, End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT International) - The State of Efforts in Albania to Combat Trafficking of Persons 2007-2008. An Overview of Government and Civil Society Polices and Programs
Author/publisher: Sarah Stephens, Arben Tabaku, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Assistance to women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in the Nordic and Baltic countries. A comparison of legislation
Author/publisher: Nordic Baltic Network, European Women's Lobby - Undocumented Children in Europe: Invisible Victims of Immigration Restrictions
Author/publisher: Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) - The place where we live is called a red-light area
Author/publisher: an apne aap women worldwide project - Guide on Gender-Sensitive Labour Migration Policies
Author/publisher: Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Senior Adviser on Gender Issues, OSCE - Shady Traffic: Part Three: Review of the Portefolio Supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Author/publisher: Kate Halvorsen, Hugo Stokke, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) - International Migration and Human Rights. Challenges and Opportunities on the Threshold of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Author/publisher: Global Migration Group - Kommerzielle sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern. Eine kommentierte Bibliografie
Author/publisher: Sabine Herzig - Sold in America
Author/publisher: Chelo Alvarez-Stehle - Addendum to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Yakin Ertürk: Mission to the Republic of Moldova
Author/publisher: Human Rights Council, General Assembly, United Nations (UN) - Manuál k Sociální Inkluzi Obchodovaných a Vykořisťovaných Osob
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Development Cooperation and Gender. Regional Advocacy Report for Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
Author/publisher: International Gender Policy Network (IGPN) - Tackling Violence against Women. A Worldwide Approach
Author/publisher: WOMANKIND Worldwide - Nigeria - Voodoo Aids Human Trafficking
Author/publisher: Musikilu Mojeed - The Cost of Coercion
Author/publisher: International Labour Organization (ILO) - Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion 2009
Author/publisher: Council of the European Union - VÝROČNÍ ZPRÁVA 2007
Author/publisher: La Strada Czech Republic - Integrated Program on the Prevention of Human Traffic in the Republic of Tajikistan
Author/publisher: Government of Tajikistan - National Plan to Prevent and Combat Trafficking in Human Beings
Author/publisher: Government of the Republic of Moldova - Charakterystyka społeczna ofiar handlu ludźmi. Raport z badań jakościowych.
Author/publisher: Michał Wenzel, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne - Socjologiczny portret ofiary handlu ludźmi. Wtórna analiza danych zastanych
Author/publisher: Mateusz Zych, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne - European Parliament resolution on equality between women and men in the European Union
Author/publisher: European Parliament, European Union - The Rumour of Trafficking - Migration Policy in the face of Moral Panic and Migrant Agency
Author/publisher: Dr Diana Wong. Fellow, Social Science Research Council, New York - Trades Union Congress. The economics of migration. Managing the impacts
Author/publisher: economic and social affairs/June 2007 - Obchodování s Lidmi – Některé Problematické Momenty Platné Legislativy
Author/publisher: Klára Kalibová, La Strada Czech Republic - Statement from Joint NGO Group concerned with Trafficking in Human Beings 18th June, 2007
Author/publisher: Ruhama, Amnesty International - CEDAW Shadow Report - Poland
Author/publisher: La Strada Foundation against Trafficking in Women - Implementation of the Bulgarian Law on Protection against Domestic Violence. A Human Rights Report
Author/publisher: The Advocates for Human Rights, The Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation - Trafficking for Labour Exploitation - Conceptual Issues, and Challenges for Law Enforcement. Presentation to Fifth International Law Enforcement Conference, Kiev, 31 March- 2 April 2009
Author/publisher: Roger Plant, International Labour Organization (ILO) - Evaluation of UNHCR’s efforts to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence in situations of forced displacement
Author/publisher: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - Dynamics and Strategies for Addressing Trafficking in Persons - A New Paradigm
Author/publisher: Bangladesh Counter Trafficking Thematic Group - Update: Action-Oriented Guide for Awareness-Raising and Social Assistance
Author/publisher: Christian Action and Networking Against Trafficking in Women - Recommendations for Reproductive and Sexual Health Care of Trafficked Women in Ukraine: Focus on STI/RTI Care
Author/publisher: Mazeda Hossain, Cathy Zimmerman, Charlotte Watts, Sarah Hawkes, IOM Ukraine, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Human Rights Standards for the Treatment of Trafficked Persons (GAATW)
Author/publisher: Foundation Against Trafficking in Women, International Human Rights Law Group, Global Alliance Against Traffick in Women (GAATW) - Draft Council Conclusions on establishing an informal EU Network of National Rapporteurs or Equivalent Mechanisms on Trafficking in Human Beings
Author/publisher: Council of the European Union - World Migration Report on Managing Labour Mobility in the Evolving Global Economy. Perspectives of Origin and Destination Countries
Author/publisher: Vienna Migration Group - The Johns. Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It
Author/publisher: Victor Malarek - Response of La Strada International to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Sigma Huda
Author/publisher: La Strada International - Travaux Préparatoires of the negotiations for the elaboration of the United Nations Convention against Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto
Author/publisher: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Between Organising and Exclusion: Trade Union Strategies and Undocumented Migrant Workers
Author/publisher: Özge Berber Agtas, Beate Amler and Luciole Sauviat - Measuring results in development. DPRN thematic meeting report 2006
Author/publisher: Development Policy Review Network (DPRN), Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation (ICCO) - Annual Evaluation Report on the Implementation of the 2004 Action Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality
Author/publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Ministerial Statement on Migration
Author/publisher: Ministerial Council, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - The gender digital divide in Francophone Africa. A harsh reality
Author/publisher: Gender and ICT Network - Left to Survive. Systematic Failure to Protect Unaccompanied Migrant Children in Greece
Author/publisher: Human Rights Watch (HRW) - Report on the future of the European Common Asylum System
Author/publisher: Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament, European Union (EU) - Report on the human rights situation in The Netherlands
Author/publisher: Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe's High Commissioner for Human Rights - Pornography. Driving the demand in international sex trafficking
Author/publisher: Captive Daughters - The state of efforts to combat trafficking of persons in Albania - August 2006 to July 2007. An Overview of Governmental and Civil Society Policies and Programs
Author/publisher: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Internationally-recognised core labour standards in the European Union. Report for the WTO General Council Review of trade policies of the European Union
Author/publisher: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - Combating Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook for Parliamentarians
Author/publisher: Inter-Parliamentary Union, UN.GIFT and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Violence against Women - Facts and Figures
Author/publisher: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) - Globalisation, Sex Trafficking and Prostitution – The Experiences of Migrant Women in Ireland
Author/publisher: Patricia and Carmel Kelleher, Monica O’Connor, Dr Jane Pillinger