La Strada Documentation Center

Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South

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Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
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Stephen Castles, Raúl Delgado Wise (editors),
“The relationship between migration and development is a key topic for research and policy. Earlier pessimistic perspectives focused on the threat to development of poorer countries through the loss of human resources. Recently, a more optimistic view has been advanced by northern governments and international agencies. This is based on the idea that remittance flows and transfers of know-how by migrants can actually reinvigorate development. But what do people in the South think about international migration? How do the migrants themselves experience international migration, and how do they understand development? These questions are rarely asked.” This book tries to redress the balance. It is the result of an attempt to initiate South-South dialogue on the potential and the dilemmas of migration-development linkages. It is based on discussions between researchers, government officials and migrant activists from five major emigration countries: India, Mexico, Morocco, the Philippines and Turkey. The participants (all acting in their personal capacities) met in Bellagio (Italy) in July 2006 (with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation), and again in February 2007 in Mexico City (with the support of the Fundación Bancomer). The aim was to review the experience of their countries over the last half century, in order to analyse the determinants and characteristics of migration, and its significance for economy, society, politics and international relations.
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