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National Plan of Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Finland

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National Plan of Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Finland
Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland
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National Law,
In Finland the first national plan of action against trafficking in human beings was approved in August. Human trade is one of the main challenges in human rights both globally and in our neighbouring regions. Besides, Finland can´t be safe from the phenomenon. Instead, we must more clearly focus on preventing human trafficking and protecting the victims. To facilitate the identification of the problem, the plan of action contains a list of factors which don´t necessarily lead to the direct revealing of victims of human trafficking, but which, however, justify a closer investigation of the issue. Such factors may be matters related to travel documents or a person´s freedom of action, for instance. Before all, human trafficking is linked to sexual abuse. In practice, this is often the case, but when the plan of action was being drafted it was considered vital that all the forms of trafficking in human beings were included. For instance, situations of abuse at work can meet the criteria of human trade if there are occurrences of coercion and threatening falling under the definition of human trafficking. It is essential to understand human trafficking in a broad enough sense because that´s how its various forms can be effectively prevented. The gender specific viewpoints have to be identified in all phases. The plan of action emphasises the provision of sufficient services for the victims. What´s more, the system has to respond promptly enough once the victim is contacted. Otherwise, he or she runs the risk of returning to the previous situation. The Ministry of Labour has assigned a separate working group the task of examining required services and their funding. The plan of action starts with the idea that, as much as possible, the services are created on the basis of the existing structures, but the special features of human trafficking are taken into account, however. Human trade is linked with organised crime. That´s why attending to the victims´ safety provides a particular challenge.
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