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Draft Council Conclusions on establishing an informal EU Network of National Rapporteurs or Equivalent Mechanisms on Trafficking in Human Beings

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Draft Council Conclusions on establishing an informal EU Network of National Rapporteurs or Equivalent Mechanisms on Trafficking in Human Beings
Council of the European Union
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Document type(s)
Meeting Documentation/Conference Reports,
Organized crime, Prosecution, Law Enforcement, Criminal justice, Judicial cooperation; Victim-centred approach, National anti-trafficking measures; Criminalisation, Punishment, Crime prevention; 8723/1/09, REV 1, LIMITE, CRIMORG 63, MIGR 43, ENFOPOL 86

HAVING REGARD TO the key European documents dealing with the establishment of national reporting mechanisms for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings such as:
- The 1997 Hague Ministerial Declaration on European Guidelines for Effective Measures to Prevent and Combat Trafficking in Women for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation, in particular part III.1.4;
- The OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, Decision No 557/2003, in particular part VI.1; (...) the Council concludes the following:
1. The EU network of National Rapporteurs or equivalent mechanisms (hereinafter “the network”) is established as an informal (...) monitoring and reporting mechanism improving European cooperation (…).
2. The network shall involve all Member States taking into account national needs and particular circumstances.
7. The Commission is invited to evaluate every three years through its Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings the progress made by the network of the National Rapporteurs or equivalent mechanisms and to take appropriate measures to support its monitoring and reporting functions.

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