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Comments and Recommendations. EU Forum on the Prevention of Organised Crime. Consultative Workshop on the Draft Report of the European Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings

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Comments and Recommendations. EU Forum on the Prevention of Organised Crime. Consultative Workshop on the Draft Report of the European Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings
International Federation Terre des Hommes
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Guidelines/Recommendations, Meeting Documentation/Conference Reports,
Return; Law enforcement; Anti-corruption strategies; Money laundering; Seizure of assets; Restitution; Compensation, Remuneration; Awareness raising; Social inclusion; Protection; Reflection period; Residence permit; Witness protection; Individual complaint mechanisms; Data collection: National Rapporteurs; Data exchange; Human rights approach, Root causes, Sexual exploitation, Labour exploitation, Definition (of trafficking); Holistic approach, Integrated approach; Migration, European Union, Justice and Home Affairs, Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Vulnerability, Migration policy; Economic migration; Migrant rights; Free movement, National Referral Mechanisms; European Anti-Trafficking Network;
According to Article 3(3) of Commission Decision of 25 March 2003 setting up a consultative group, to be known as the "Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings", the Group shall submit a report to the Commission in order to assist the latter with a view to launching further concrete proposals at European level. The Commission intends to issue a communication on trafficking in human beings in 2005. Against this background the draft report of the Experts Group was discussed with interested governments, organisations and stakeholders at a workshop organised by the Commission on 26 October 2004: As a general comment, Terre des Hommes very much welcomes the content of the Group’s Draft Report as it represents an important step towards addressing trafficking in human beings in a integrated approach based on human rights perspectives. Furthermore, through considering children as a specific group that is subject of rights, the Draft Report makes also an important step towards tackling child trafficking not merely as a sub-category of THB but as a specific phenomenon which needs appropriate responses. EU Commission documentation centre on trafficking in human beings:
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