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What’s Behind the Things we Buy: A Consumer Responsibility. Global eye on human trafficking Issue 7

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What’s Behind the Things we Buy: A Consumer Responsibility. Global eye on human trafficking Issue 7
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
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The Global Eye on Human Trafficking is an awareness-raising tool, which aims to keep all IOM Missions, civil society members, NGOs, IOs, governments, journalists, media partners and students informed about human trafficking trends and happenings, and on existing counter trafficking efforts around the world.
Migrant workers are responsible for manufacturing many of the everyday products found in shops around the world. But at what price? In a bid to ensure that in the clamour for cheap goods, business doesn’t end up profi ti ng from the labour of traffi cked and exploited migrants, IOM has teamed up with internati onal adverti sing fi rm Saatchi & Saatchi in Geneva to make the consumer questi on the true story behind this week’s super tomato off er at the local supermarket, or the very cheap pair of jeans for sale at the bouti que down the road. By urging consumers to “Buy Responsibly”, the campaign is encouraging consumers, parti cularly in developed countries, to play a greater and more proacti ve role in ending the demand for exploited migrant labour, which is fuelled by the consumer appeti te for cheap goods and business’ demand for greater profi t margins.
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