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Methods and Models for Mixing Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Trafficking in Persons in Europe and Eurasia. Final Report

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Methods and Models for Mixing Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Trafficking in Persons in Europe and Eurasia. Final Report
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
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Research/Study/Analysis, Training Material/Resources,
NEXUS Institute to Combat Human Trafficking in cooperation with Creative Associates International, Inc. and the Aguirre Division of JBS International, Inc.
This study considers service models for victims of trafficking in persons (TIP) and domestic violence (DV) in the Europe and Eurasia (E&E) region. The central research question was how best to provide assistance and support to both victims of trafficking and domestic violence which meets their individual and specific needs while taking into account the limited, and sometimes diminishing, resources available for these services. The study examines the various types of victim-centered services available in the region, those dedicated either to victims of DV or TIP and those where services for the two groups are mixed. Also considered is the extent to which these services are available and accessible to the two target groups. Of particular interest is how and where services may be mixed and where services should be distinct, as well as where additional services are required to meet the needs of victims of DV or TIP.
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