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Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee - IRELAND

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Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee - IRELAND
United Nations Human Rights Committee
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International Law,
HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Ninety-third 93rd session, Geneva, 7–25 July 2008, International covenant on civil and political rights, CCPR/C/IRL/CO/3, residency permit
Concluding remark Nr 16: "While the Committee takes note of the positive measures adopted concerning trafficking in human beings, such as the establishment of an Anti-Human Trafficking Unit and the provision of training to border guards, immigration officers, and trainees in these fields, the Committee is concerned about the lack of recognition of the rights and interests of trafficking victims. It is particularly concerned about lesser protection for victims not willing to cooperate with authorities under the criminal law (human trafficking) bill 2007. (arts. 3, 8, 24, 26) The State party should continue to reinforce its measures to combat trafficking of human beings, in particular by reducing the demand for trafficking. It should also ensure the protection and rehabilitation of victims of trafficking. Moreover, the State party should ensure that permission to remain in the State party is not dependent on the cooperation of victims in the prosecution of alleged traffickers. The State party is also invited to consider ratifying the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime."
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