La Strada Documentation Center

Growing Up in the Low Countries. The Annex to the NGO Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in The Netherlands

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Growing Up in the Low Countries. The Annex to the NGO Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in The Netherlands
Kinderrechtencollectief: Dutch NGO Coalition for Children’s Rights
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Defence for Children International Netherlands, UNICEF Netherlands, National Association for Child and Youth Legal Advice Centres, Netherlands Youth Group, Save the Children Netherlands, Plan Netherlands, National Youth Council, Netherlands Institute for Care and Welfare (advisory member), Best Interests Principle, Child Victims of Trafficking, Separated Migrant Children, Unaccompanied minors, Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Child protection systems, Corporate social responsibility, Multi-stakeholder partnerships: Child Trafficking, Child Prostitution, Child Pornography,
In Growing up in the low countries, the KRC highlights the problems that it perceives in the field ofchildren’s rights in the Netherlands, thereby focusing on eight key areas of concern including the lackof regard for the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Dutch aliens policy. The last fewyears have seen a great many changes introduced into this policy, which have resulted in Dutch alienspolicy becoming much more rigid. Because it is such a complex area, this annex elaborates upon theinformation provided in chapter V on aliens policy and children’s rights of the NGO report. Its aim isto draw special attention to the situation of the children who are subjected to this policy. Firstly, anoutline is given of the social, political and legal context, and then the following issues are dealt with:- Unaccompanied asylum seeking minors;- Family reunification;- ‘Illegal’ children;- Other topics.
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