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Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking: 14 Recommendations to Ensure the Election of Independent Experts of the Highest Calibre to Monitor Implementation

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Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking: 14 Recommendations to Ensure the Election of Independent Experts of the Highest Calibre to Monitor Implementation
Amnesty International
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AI Index: IOR 61/025/2007, European Convention On Human Rights, Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings,
With a view to the coming into force of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (the Convention) on 1 February 2008 and the election within a year of the members of the independent body of experts to monitor implementation of the Convention – the Group of Experts on action against Trafficking in Human Beings (known as GRETA) – Amnesty International makes the following 14 recommendations to the parties to the Convention and the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers. These recommendations are to ensure that only fully independent and impartial experts who meet the highest standards of integrity, competence and expertise as well as professional experience will be elected to the monitoring body. This will be essential for GRETA to gain the authority required for effective monitoring of the implementation of the Convention by states parties and to strengthen the protection afforded to victims of trafficking.
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