La Strada Documentation Center

Advocacy Document on the Non-Punishment Principle

Document number
23 November 2023
Advocacy Document on the Non-Punishment Principle
La Strada International
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Non Punishment principle human trafficking advocacy

La Strada International (LSI) actively pushes for legislative changes and more guidance at European level to promote a better application of the Non-Punishment Principle across Europe. Moreover, LSI works at a practical level on the promotion of the principle’s application through its own Working Group on Non-punishment. This Working Group has promoted further exchange on the principle and developed two Guidance Documents to support and raise awareness among all stakeholder to ensure a better application of the Non-Punishment Principle in practice; an A
dvocacy Document on the Non-Punishment Principle and an Explanatory Brief on the Non-Punishment Principle.

This ‘Advocacy document’ is aimed at a broad audience. It informs stakeholders about the Non-Punishment principle and the importance of its correct application.

In January, multiple translated versions of this document will be published, including in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Serbian & Danish. These translated versions will include further information on the application of the principle in the applicable national context.